
Ph.D. Thesis, peer-reviewed acticles and other works

Ph.D. Thesis 

I wrote my Ph.D. on Mutually Agreed Solutions in WTO, looking into legal and negotiation theory and analyzing the practice. The defense was in April 2019 with the Ph.D. awarded in September 2019.

Here is a short description of my work. 

The thesis was prepared at the Department of International and European Law of Kazan Federal University, Harvard Law School and Fribourg University. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research are reflected in six peer-reviewed scientific papers in English and Russian; presented at the theoretical seminars and conferences at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), World Trade Institute (Switzerland), University of Stockholm (Sweden) and Harvard Law School (USA). The relevance of the dissertation research, as well as the relevance of the provisions submitted for defense, were confirmed by the written statement of the representative of the legal department of the World Trade Organization. 

In English

Khasanova L., Tai K. Shades of Authoritarian Digital Sovereignty: Divergences in Russian and Chinese Data Localisation Regimes. Journal of Cyber Policy (2024).

Khasanova L. Conceptual Discrepancies in Russian and Western Approaches to International Regulation of Cyber [Information] Space. Baltic Yearbook of International Law (2024). 

Khasanova L. (with Sophie Duroy) Cyber Espionage and Human Rights: A Disappointing Balance. In A. Segura Serrano (Ed.), The Challenges of Global Cybersecurity. Routledge 2024.

Khasanova L. Women in International Peace Negotiations: Swedish experience. Journal for Interdisciplinary Research (2019), 09/02-VIII. [Scopus]

Khasanova L., Abdullin A. Pacific means of dispute settlement in the WTO: challenges and perspectives. Herald NAMSCA (2018), № 3(2). [Web of Science]

Khasanova L. Negotiating Disputes in the WTO - Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law. International Law and Integration Problems (2017), №3 (51), pp.31-37.

Abdullin A., Khasanova L. The Concept of “Essential Security Interests” and Justification of Economic Sanctions under WTO Law. Revista Publicando (2017),  vol. 4, №13 (2), pp. 450-458. [Web of Science]

Khasanova L. WTO: Undermining or Enforcing Sovereignty? In Jean-Marc Thouvenin, Norman Weiss, Adel  Abdoulline (Eds.) Rethinking Sovereignty: Challenges and Modifications. Nomos (2016). 

In Russian 

Хасанова Л. А. Взаимоприемлемые решения в рамках системы разрешения споров в ВТО: характеристика, проблемы и перспективы // Российский юридический журнал - 2019. №1. С. 136

Хасанова Л. А. Добрые услуги, согласительная процедура и посредничество в ВТО: проблемы и перспективы // Российское право: образование, практика, наука  – 2018. №5. C. 97

Хасанова Л.А. Механизм разрешения споров в ВТО: двусторонние соглашения как наиболее желаемый результат окончания спора// Вестник экономики, права и cоциологии - 2018. № 3. C. 121

Other publications

International Shocks and Regional Responses in Data Governance, Lawfare Blog, October 2024  

Multilateral Cyber Negotiations and Gender Mainstreaming: a Complicated Relationship, Women in International Security (WIIS), April 2023

 International relations in post-COVID-19 era: Cooperation vs. Protectionism, Atlas Institute for International Affairs, April 2020

Eine neue Weltordnung als soziale Annäherung by Liliia Khasanova, Karl Pangerl and Maria Raquel de Sousa Freire, Wiener Zeitung, 2017.

Khasanova L.A. Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Legal Professions// VIII International academic and research conference of students and postgraduates, Kazan, 2013.

Khasanova L.A. Superiority of “ordre public” principle and morality in the field of biotechnology patents // Proceedings of the V International Forum “Rule of Law and Human Rights”, Kyiv, 2013.